Kalisch Culture

Our cultural framework comprises behaviors under the organization’s strategy and identity, leading us to comply with our mission and vision as a company.

They are the following:

Kalisch Acero

Being responsible: appropriate topics and solving them.

Kalisch Acero

Always having open, direct communication: creating an environment of trust to share and to challenge points of view.

Kalisch Acero

Think and act simple: finding actions that are effective in a complex environment.

Kalisch Acero

Focus on the market: working with passion and taking action to gain the preference of customers.

Kalisch Acero

Be quick and nimble: act fast and simple.

Kalisch Acero

What is Konecta?

Our objective is communicating the results, progress, challenges, strategies, and achievements of our company with the members of our team.


At Kalisch Acero we want our collaborators to participate in the effort invested on their activities, in addition to that, engaging with our people in this type of activities is essential for fostering participation, communication, and sense of belonging.


We are a team that is constantly striving to attain our objectives. In Kalisch Acero we recognize the excellence of our collaborators through the following awards:

Service: includes demonstrating a permanent attitude of support and collaboration with others, trying to meet their needs.

Creativity: it lies on solving problems within the organization, providing novel solutions.

Motivation: capacity to drive others to achieve extraordinary results.

Extraordinary Performance: assuming responsibility beyond expectations, with passion and availability, showing outstanding overall performance.

Making your Mark: special award for those collaborators showing they live consistently the four attitudes awarded.

We are a Great Place to Work!

In Kalisch Acero we recognize that our work team is the most important and a fundamental pillar to achieve the growth of our company, for that reason our efforts are focused on developing our people. We always try to have optimal work conditions, in a trust- and respect-based environment.

Kalisch Acero

Pillars of Health

In Kalisch Acero we work to foster a culture of self-care among our collaborators, and to create awareness of the importance of our pillars of health.


We promote good eating habits and healthy lifestyles.

Healthy mind

We seek the emotional and psychological well-being of our collaborators.

Physical health

We foster the regular and systematic practice of physical activity in the collaborators.


We promote self-care free from any kind of addiction.

Know your numbers

Basic health diagnosis in collaborators where we can identify and prevent diseases.

Financial health

We foster good financial practices to attain a peaceful situation in financial future.

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